
From Enthusiasts To Enthusiasts
Travel with Ease
Community Focused

Look & Feel

minimal desktop layout

CyviZen is Unmatched

🤍 Streamlined productive look & feel {see above screen-shots} 🤍 Jubu l33t ~ Optimised for Writing, Video Calling, Web & CyberSpace browsing 🤍 OnlyOffice ~ 100% compatibility with docx, xlsx, pptx formats 🤍 CytCom ~ Secure Video Conferencing 🤍 OS Level integration of Calculator, Spelling, Dictionary, MarkDown 🤍 LibreWolf ~ Privacy focused WWW browsing
🤍 100% portability 🤍 100% removal of CyviZen Operating System on shutdown 🤍 100% OS assembly from scratch in under 15 seconds on machine boot 🤍 Digital Panic Room {Force Majure}, no known technology to access 🤍 Ephemeral by default, data from ANY source persists only if you choose it 🤍 Throw away Jubu L33T or any CyviZen device without loss of Data, Configuration, or Look & Feel Customization
🤍 Only Operating System that is unable to view your data 🤍 Only Operating System that is unable to build technology to access your data 🤍 10 Physical Cloud Storage locations confirmed unable to open your data 🤍 CyberSpace available for selective data persistence 🤍 Metadata Cleaning for Images 🤍 Resistance to Replay Attacks 🤍 Corporate Profile can not access your data or vice versa ~ physical reboot required to access alternate profiles 🤍 Digital Contracts via CyviZen & CYN guarantee removal of Personally Identifiable Information {PII} on termination
🤍 Anonymous by default 🤍 100% CYN compatible 🤍 100% compatible with international standards for Digital Identification, FIDO2, WebAuthN, PassKey {Government & Corporate} 🤍 100% NODES compatible 🤍 Galaxy Scale Identity technology 🤍 Isolation between Identities 🤍 Identities auto expire & cleanup metadata 🤍 Unfudgible audit log of Identity use 🤍 Hardware Protection used where possible {i.e. TPM2} 🤍 CYN Protection demonstrated to ensure unknowable secrets by way of Shamirs Shared Secrets & CyberSpace Complexity Map
🤍 CYN bound to physical fingerprinted hardware; rejects all unknown hardware 🤍 You do NOT need to know any secrets, CYN keeps them safe through Scorched Earth or Force Majure situations. 🤍 Guarantees eventual consistency of settlements by way of Distributed Offline-First Peer2Peer Hypergraph Hashtable {DOPHH} 🤍 100% NODES compatibility {Emergency Communications & Trading} 🤍 Settlements with optional KYC compliance 🤍 Resistant to Replay Attacks
🤍 Progressive Web App framework for settlements via NODES 🤍 Secured QR for paper, or screen capture methods of data sharing 🤍 Resistant to Man In The Middle {MITM}, Replay Attack & packet loss. 🤍 Idempotent, Trustless Peer2Peer Packets
🤍 Smart Phone Link 🤍 Run any Linux based software ~ Jubu sp3x 🤍 Multi-Platform OS 🤍 CytCom ~ Secure Video Conferencing 🤍 Any Internet Printing Protocol {IPP} enabled printer 🤍 Any SANE compatible flatbed scanner

CyviZen is 100% Committed to Open Source

🤍 100% Free forever Updates & Upgrades 🤍 100% Free MetaSearch WWW Search Engine ~ private on your Jubu 🤍 100% Free eBPF Application Firewall via OpenSnitch 🤍 100% Free AntiVirus via ClamAV: the Open-Source Standard 🤍 100% Free Audited as Secure Password Manager via KeePassXC 🤍 100% Free Software Isolation via FireJail & AppArmour 🤍 100% Free Bad USB Protection {#1 social hacking method} 🤍 100% Transparency on Common Vulnerabilities {security issues} 🤍 100% Developed on Nim, a Community Open Source Programming Language

JUBU Series


Yidindji Made with 💕 & Care RRP: SYD$133.70 ex Individually customised 256GB SSD with CyviZen Operating System Works on ANY 2017+ x86_64 Computer <most computers> 3+ Separate Rooms with 3+ Desktops per room Lifetime Free Automatic Updates & Upgrades Scorched Earth "unlocked" with two L33Ts or CYN Apps Include ▪️CytCom for Free Private 1:1 P2P Video Calling ▪️CYN Compliant for Authoritative Digital Identity ▪️NODES Compliant for Emergency Situations ▪️OnlyOffice for 100% docx compatibility ▪️Secure Phone <--> Computer Integration ▪️BetterBird for Emails ▪️KeePassXC & BitWarden for Password Vault ▪️Prints without drivers to any IPP Compatible Printer ▪️Scans without drivers to any SANE Compatible Scanner ▪️LibreWolf for WWW Private/Anonyminity Browsing ▪️FireFox (Optimised by Enthusiasts) for WWW Browsing ▪️ClamAV AntiVirus ▪️OpenSnitch Firewall ▪️USB Guard for protection against Bad USB ▪️ ... and many more ...


Unique Identification, CYN & Security RRP: SYD$360.70 ex 1 of 256GB JUBU L33T with CyviZen Operating System 1 of 8GB Apricon 3NX Secure Key 1 of OnlyKey Bundle gives you ability to use: ▪️CYN: Digital Identity Sovereignty ▪️"Digital Panic Room" ▪️Our Smart Phone {releasing Q1 2025} ▪️Any other CyviZen licensed devices {and ability to Optionally Subscribe to} ▪️Scorched Earth of Jubu via Cloud Storage ▪️CyberSpace third-party software ▪️Jubu's Q3LL 💻 Private Artificial Assistants 💻 Permanently install CyviZen on computers ▪️Jubu's SP3X 💻 CyviZen optimised for specialists 💻 Multiple DeniZens on the same Computer 💻 CyviCo integration {Corporate & Government}

JUBU L33T 2 Scorched Earth

Best Value for Portability, CYN, Security & Scorched Earth RRP: SYD$733.10 ex 2 of 256GB JUBU L33T with CyviZen Operating System 2 of 8GB Apricon 3NX Secure Key (FIPS140-2 Level 3) 2 of OnlyKey 1 of USB-A 4-Port HUB 1 of USB-C to USB-A All the abilities from the JUBU L33T 2 CYN bundle plus: ▪️Easily use Computers that lack sufficient USB A/C ports ▪️Scorched Earth of Jubu via l33t to l33t ▪️Scorched Earth of CYN ⚠️ CYN backs up to another Apricon, L33T & OnlyKey ⚠️ by design CYN can not be recovered by CyviZen ⚠️ Only ever one CYN per person ⚠️ No CYN no Secured CyberSpace Access

Cyberspace Dreamers:

Keidrych - Research & Development
Imagine a world where you can Scorched Earth everything, choosing to walk away leaving nothing behind in full knowledge you can fully recover without loss. Imagine a world where fraud &/or identity theft can be target zero. Imagine being able to use any computer (shell) and have access to your data. Welcome to our world of CyviZen... Read More
Krishna - Systems Management
I have dreamed and seen a world where we can use technology that keep us safe, while creating a community of people who respect each other and their property. I have dreamed of a world where we have systems that empower us to live fully as our selves instead of fitting into a mould that is categorized based on gender, colour, age, sexuality... Read More
Elisha - Manufacturing
True intelligence is taking a complex problem & turning it into a simple solution! In our case we identified the enormous problem of data theft, and all your eggs in one basket with (de)Centralized hardware and software systems. A mistake or bad actor gets in and it is all compromised! We have answered this problem by designing a ground... Read More

Upcoming Technology worth waiting for




Smart Phone




Where to get CyviZen?

CyviZen is Yidindji Made From Enthusiasts To Enthusiasts (FETE) Exclusively distributed via Channel Partners in support of local communities. A list of Channel Partners is available at

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jubu l33t & how does it work?
a secure operating system that runs directly from an external USB/SSD. It offers encrypted storage, privacy-focused browsing, and productivity tools, all without leaving a trace on the host computer.
What security features does Jubu l33t offer?
full disk encryption with passphrase-only access, multi-factor authentication support, and protection against unauthorised USB devices. It also incorporates validated code execution for enhanced safety.
Can Jubu l33t be used on any computer?
Yes, Jubu L33T is compatible with most computers that support USB booting, including those running Windows, and Linux. Apple computers are incompatible with the operating system, but you can copy files using yIO.
How is Jubu l33t different from a regular USB drive?
Jubu acts as a fully functional operating system, not just storage. It allows you to boot into a secure environment directly from the USB drive, preserving your privacy and security. There are 3 functions OS, yIO & a private vault.
Can I use Jubu l33t for offline tasks?
Yes, Jubu supports offline usage, including accessing and editing business websites directly from the USB.
How does Jubu l33t handle updates and backups?
Jubu automatically updates itself to ensure security and performance. An initial backup is required to set up the system to ensure your digital presence is secured.
Is Jubu l33t easy to configure and personalise?
Yes, Jubu uses TOML files for configuration and automatically themes itself based on your chosen background picture for a personalised experience.
What is the cost of Jubu l33t and where can I purchase it?
Jubu L33T is priced at SYD$133.70 plus taxes or equivalent in your local currency. You can purchase it from your local Channel Partner, see below